New year. You're still here.

“are you breathing just a little & calling it a life?”
[ Mary Oliver ]

the minute the coin is up in the air
is the moment you know what your thinking

That is for coin tossing to make a decision, give it a try and you will likely find out the truth in that statement for yourself. If you are willing to let yourself see it.

And that is often the real question.
are we willing to see the truth of ourselves??

[ it's like we have a monster in our inner cupboard and the fear we feel around looking in, I mean REALLY looking in.... it's nothing short of terror.]

We read the stars to see if they are lining up with our goals
(just for fun if they don't!)
we seek out the psychic to find the best choice
( loving them if we agree, affirming that we wasted our money if we don't)
when will our love lives receive their magical boost
(surely someone can love me better -
yes Dorothy, YOU.
you can love you better than anyone else can
and likely a whole lot better than you have been
oh, what to do what to do!!

We rake through ancient practices disciplines ceremonies and ablutions
to find out
who we are
according to ancient ones who lived in other times and places
and the rules of religion and 'spirituality'
(clean up, polish your aura, bare your soul, say your hail mary’s and Shiva Aum’s

become the person you are meant to be according to some standard of perfection
and you will make it through the eye of the needle-like pearly gates...if you are just good enough. And get your pronunciation right.

The backside of all that is that if you aren't getting the rewards you are seeking, there must be something wrong with you, your thinking is wrong
you are a bad person
you just aren't good enough

you can’t get it right
too stupid/fat/ugly/unwanted/big/small/skinny/beautiful/smart/talented/useless

that inner cupboard must be harbouring an axe murderer!??!
or it could be subconscious fears that you are harbouring ( we all do…nothing new there)…. have you ever looked into your birth script - how you were born?? It will have a few clues about the nature of those fears, and once you see them the only surprise will be that you hadn’t seen them before….

and no, there is nothing you can really ‘do’ to fix them,
your fears don’t need fixing any more than you do. and you don’t need fixing

All you need is Love. Love to you from you in you. Love sweet love - again, what have you got to lose if you dare love yourself??

This year, today, right now
[ bugger the rest of the year, lets deal with the actual moment we are living - so we can live it ]
Give yourself permission to be you,
and you might begin to real-ise ( LOVE) the wonderful human that you are
even if you aren't perfect
your dishes are dirty
and you never did pursue that career

you are not any 'thing'.
That's your axe wielding inner-cupboard monster.
Who doesn't even exist, unless you create and feed it - and even then it's still not you.

forget the astrology
the ceremony
the pomp and dreams

the goal setting and resolutions
and the 'new year new you"
[ nope, we aren't doing new year new you this year ]

lets ground into

as you are showing up

and dare to love in a real kind of way, which begins with acceptance, gentle, kind acceptance of how you are showing up in the moment.

let this year unravel and reveal itself to you
let life dance through your veins
and the universe express itself on your every breath
(it’s happening anyway, so why not enjoy the show!?)
dare to experience the You that is here and now
living and breathing

but how to do it??

let go
drop in
allow what is

accept the unacceptable and unlovable along with
the lovable and desirable in you

accept your humble dreams
and simple gifts
and this one beautiful life that you
are already living
[ are you actually living??
the kind of living that is a breathe of freedom??]

what if you simply accept yourself for who you are NOW

not tomorrow, next week, next year
drop in
open you arms and
embrace you now

what have you got to lose???
(just one imaginary axe wielding monster, you can give it a hug first if you feel to :)

If you are up for living outside the cupboard, and breathing a breath of life and a whole heap of love - be sure to give yourself some time for embodied breath and movement.
Classes, Intro workshops , group breathwork and private sessions start back after the 14th, when our ceilings should be freshly painted!