:::   rebirthing breathwork immersions :::

for personal growth & practitioner training

“There is one way of breathing that is constricted.

Then, there's another way: a breath of love

that lets you open infinitely.” Rumi

Dive into Rebirthing Breathwork, the power of the breath, embodied living, and YOU.

Take time out, immerse yourself; uncover and discover what drives you in life, what holds you back, what pushes you forward, what you are creating and what you are looking for.

Radical Embodied Breathwork
~ immersions & training ~

Comprised of a series of immersion modules, delivered on our serene 24 acre property, home for building real connections, and a place for us all to come home to ourselves.

Here, we and the land herself support you in building and strengthening your connection to yourself, your loved ones, your clients, our planet and LOVE.

These Immersions offer you the opportunity to explore the intimate relationship between birth, breath, energy and feeling in your own life, as well as the lives of your loved ones and those that you share your life with - family, friends, colleagues, clients.

You will engage deeply with your breath, your body and your formative patterning (your ‘birth script’) to create for yourself a new outlook on life, a deeper & clearer relationship with your Self, and a lived experience of inner freedom.
This comes about naturally as you release and integrate your past and formative patterning, along with your breath.
This is living, and opens you to your own self healing and self leadership capacities - a life of love, freedom and self autonomy.

Level 1 Immersion & Training DATES FOR 2024

We have revised the format a little! This Immersion is now being shared over three 4 day weekends, so that you immerse over a longer period for deeper integration, healing and learning.

Session 1 | July 12-15 + 3 Aug Connect & Breathe (10am-2pm, online or in person)

Session 2 | August 23-25 + Sept 14 Connect & Breathe (10am-2pm, online or in person)

Session 3 | October 4-7

The Level One Immersion and training is comprised of the three sessions (as above) exploring the foundations of Embodiment, Rebirthing Breathwork and Radical Living.

This Immersion is both deep personal development for those looking for a deep dive into themselves and the breath, and Level 1 practitioner training for those looking to become professional Breathworkers.

You will experience:
- rebirthing breathwork sessions most days including group sessions, one-on-one sessions, sessions holding space for others as they breathe and water rebirthing

- learn about breathing physiology and psychology

- your nervous system, polyvagal theory, nervous system and brain development

- primal patterns, pre, post-natal and early developmental impacts on your breath, body & psyche
- energy systems of the body

- embodiment and the language of your body

- birth types and behavioural patterns

- birth and relational trauma

and much much more

Most importantly, you will learn about You.

You will experience ‘YOU” more than you ever haveand this is your point of power.

Get to know more deeply how you operate, why you operate the way you do, and how to liberate yourself from your past and your own subconscious tendencies.

Especially the ones you don’t know about, especially the stubborn ones.

"Radical Embodied Breathwork” offers a new RADICAL foundation for your life
a rebirth of your life experience
and the opportunity to share a new healing modality with existing and future clients,
through the practitioner training track

In Level 1 you will encounter a deep exploration of your birth script and how it is still playing out in your life today - the thoughts you are thinking, the behaviours you employ and the ways you self sabotage or excel accordingly.
You will experience Rebirthing yourself as well as others, explore the natural breath, water rebirthing, and go into the intersections of Birth, Breath and Life in depth.

Module 3 also includes elements of Conscious Leadership (what it takes to be in your heart, and lead from there), as related to our birth scripts, and our pattern of playing small/self-sabotage, along with exploring the impact of your birth on your relationships.

Embodied Rebirthing Breathwork is an incredible experience for those seeking to know more about themselves; and a must for professionals of the healing disciplines where breathing is an essential key to health and healing for both practitioner and client.

The first thing we did ‘earth side’ was breathe, and that breath was shaped and formed by our experiences in that moment, as well as coloured by prior events - how we were conceived, events and conditions throughout our gestation, where and how we are delivered/birthed.
On a body level, this is our nervous system learning and entraining to our mothers nervous system. On a more subtle yet deeply impacting level, this has an impact on our psyche much akin to a software program being installed on a computer.

Change your breath, change your mind,
as thought is creative, and you are the thinker!

Exploring how you were born helps you to understand and unravel who you are and where you come from. This supports you in integrating your past and clearing outdated inner programming via the natural intelligence of your breath.
It is an incredibly powerful process and journey, that weaves between body, mind and spirit in a natural and supportive way providing understanding, deep healing and integration, which paves the way for deep insight and expansion.

Delivered over a series of immersive long weekends, these courses and workshops take you deep into yourself, your personal birth story and the impact that it has on you and your life, even as an adult.

For those who are looking to become Rebirthing Breathworker practitioners, the weekends and longer immersions will build upon each other to prepare you to become a confident and well rounded breathworker [ requirements to become a professional Rebirthing Breathworker are currently being finalised contact Brie for more info - email Brie here ].

You will:
- experience multiple Rebirthing Breathwork sessions, both individual and group to help clarify your relationship with yourself and unravel your birth script
- learn how to rebirth others, and experience this through trading sessions - a beautiful and deepening process even where your interest is primarily personal, we are all mirrors
- become competent in using this information and experience of the full 12 day training to deepen your presence in your own life, deepen your relationships (with yourself and others), find clarity and direction, become your own leader and a leader for others, and be able to begin working dynamically with others
- acquire knowledge of how to use powerful affirmations and forgiveness to change your life
- ultimately embrace a change of mind and feel the immense freedom of releasing old patterns - this enables you to create a life that nourishes and inspires you, and supports you to Live in your life from a place of expansion, rather than contraction.

Free yourself: open to your personal truth and a deeper sense of being alive.

Practitioner track

If you are interested in the Practitioner track please get in touch directly with Brie for more information -

Immersion Fees*

Places are limited to ensure quality of experience for all, you can hold your place with the booking deposit and then complete payment.



I’ve done a lot of inner work. In fact, inner work is my vocation. I’ve been practicing yoga and meditation for over 20 years. I’ve explored plant medicine and shamanic medicine and I can say without question that NOTHING has shifted me more quickly and more profoundly then this breath technique. It uprooted my pattern of overwhelming myself and then numbing myself.

This breath got me sober from all intoxicants (even coffee) that were not serving me. My life, is, by design, overwhelming. I have four children, I run a busy business and a household. This breath created the awareness of my capacity to PAUSE before making choices that would overwhelm me.

If you are looking to learn a technique that will truly dig deep into the unconscious to re-pattern in areas of your life where you feel stuck.... If you are a yoga teacher; it is my opinion that you should know this technique and experience this work.

I can’t say enough about this work. It is life changing.”
— Alyssa Snow

Want more information??
Get in touch with your questions, and to join our waitlist (2023 intake now FULL) -
email to enquire.

heal trauma and behavioural patterns that hold you back
clear your cellular memory for deep healing
connect to your intuition, embodying a sense of inner knowing and self-trust
awaken to your innate self healing capacities
liberate yourself - step into self leadership, and leadership in life