autumn equinox

[ musings on autumnal arrivals ]


[ and breathe ]⁠

Here we are, the first quarter of the year rolling on by with hardly a moment to say hello let alone some time to savour.....⁠

[ whatever happened to polite hello's and heartfelt farewell's ?!
even a soft cool breeze on the cheek
would suffice 🥰 😆]

b r e a t h e ⁠

its time⁠
time to pause⁠
to be with your breath and yourself⁠
to ride on the waves⁠
of your own internal tides⁠
and be swept up in the⁠
sounds of your own heart song⁠

let everything else⁠

come gather and breathe⁠
Tuesday 21 March ⁠ | 6.45pm ( Camp Mountain, in person)

an energy overview

These are powerful times we are living through.

This Equinox, apart from its usual moment of equality and stillness, also heralds the beginning of the Astrological new year - a new cycle - and some big energy shifts along with it.

In 2020 we entered a period of saturn in aquarius, bringing in new way s of using technology, new ways of forming connection and building community - in practical terms this looked like lockdowns and restrictions that had us making new choices, time for deep reflection and a hot spot on our values, very much at the level of society.

Thing influenced and brought into question include

How do we as an individual relate to societal norms, needs and influence on our personal lives?
How do we balance honouring ourselves with being part of the collective?
How are we making our choices and where do our beliefs actually come from??

These are questions we have been living, and some of us delving into very consciously, some of us going along for the ride, some in reaction - but it doesn’t matter how conscious we are, these issues have been unavoidable.

For those who have been exploring, you may have come across new ideas, and seen through old ones that you had taken for granted - personally I fell like all my beliefs and knowledge have been shaken up like snow in a snow globe, and I still don’t know where a lot of it is going to fall.

In actuality I’ve been feeling and saying that the only thing I know, is that I don’t really know anything! This kind of awareness has allowed me to go beyond my beliefs and open to new (and old forgotten) ideas with real curiosity - a few current ones are the electric universe, electro culture, structured water - what really supports our health??? what are truth and reality anyway??

We certainly have a lot of questions about ‘truth’ and ‘reality’ coming up still…. and it will continue…Do you believe everything you see in the media?? Be it social media, or old skool…, no matter the medium (even tea with a friend) you are only seeing what someone wants or allows you to see, what they want to tell you…. the ‘truth’ through their eyes however well meaning they may or may not be.

It’s a big thought.

Hold it next to the reality of how much of your own truth you share.

[ breathe ]

Now we have Saturn about to move into Pisces, bringing another very specific energy and feel to the next few years (you can and will do with it what you will! That said, with Saturn involved it wont be easy to ignore…).

Saturn gives structure, mix that with watery Pisces energy and structured water, quantum biology and the electric universe theory feel very exciting - so many possibilities and the Saturnian energy offers the opportunity to ground the unlimited, and bring the unknown into the realm of physicality - such exciting times!

If you look back briefly to where society was 3 years ago, where you where 3 years ago….. did you see where things were heading?? where could we be going now??!!

Saturn will always ask for some kind of effort - engaging with life in ways that are both comfortable and uncomfortable - the result will always be growth. Our choices and actions determine the direction of that growth.

Sometimes we don’t see that growth until we pause to look back… to do that now, as we move from Aquarian techno- social vibes into the Piscean invisible fluid waters is really going to help you to ground the seemingly intangible, to anchor in the benefits of the past few years and open yourself to the new opportunities on the horizon - one of the reasons we are gathering next week on the Equinox.

We will breathe ( the bridge between the known & unknown), be, reflect and course correct ourselves for the next wave of life flowing through us - it is incredibly practical, even though it may sound and even feel (be) very mystical.

By using our breath, and cultivating presence in our own body - embodiment - as we go, we will set ourselves up to better bring our own dreams known and unknown into reality.

Autumn Equinox | Tuesday 21 March, 6.45pm
bookings essential ❤️
you can do that and find out more here

#autumn #breathe #surrender #rebirth #rebirthingbreathwork #breathworkbrisbane #rebirthingbrisbane