Welcome to the world baby ... maybe??!

you just got here⁠
just arrived⁠
this side of the womb⁠

what was it like for you??⁠

what was happening when⁠
you took your⁠

and how does that play out in your life⁠

Happy to be here? still screaming?⁠
lost on Laughing gas/ nitrous oxide??⁠

still wondering what its all about??⁠

The fascinating and deep unconscious world of your birth psychology and birth trauma (overwhelming elements of your birth experience) is exactly what you get to explore, integrate and heal via your breath in Rebirthing Breathwork.⁠

Take a breath - the first thing you did 'earth-side', in that first moment, the moment your life began. ⁠

That breath set a tone, a rhythm for every breath to follow - the comfort of a gentle birth, the anxious breath of a stressful birth

as individual as you and me,

following patterns that can reveal so much about your own inner drives - those ones that support or sabotage you for 'known' reason.

If there is stress on your breath, you will be subconsciously 'looking' for and likely finding stress in your environment; someone else in the same situation with a relaxed imprint can be hooking in with relaxation in that same space.⁠

All unconsciously.⁠

This is what we call yoru ‘birth script’. Powerful drivers that are hidden in our subconscious where most therapies struggle to get to, deep in your cells and body/somatic memory.

And - if you change your breath - you have the potential to integrate negative and outmoded imprints that have been hidden on your breath, locked in your nervous system and deep in your psyche - then you can free yourself to live in new ways.⁠

New ways that you consciously desire and create. ⁠

This is where the transformative power of Rebirthing Breathwork lies.


Here are a couple of interesting articles about birth & pain from the babies perspective - an experience that has been very much overlooked :



Interested in learning more and perhaps exploring your own birth script??

Get in touch to ask me about Rebirthing Breathwork and how it can help you in your life.

Next Group Breathwork Session: Feb 16 - find out more here

FIRST BREATH in depth immersions & trainings - find out more here