What are we doing

The nature of life is fluid - change, evolution, shifting forms.


Our lives, our world have changed indescribably over the past three years, and they continue to do so.

Our choices are our capacity to shape and form our lives - it has never been more crucial that we do this from our awareness and self connection rather than habit, old beliefs systems or reaction.

What we called normal ‘is’ no more… and we aren’t going back to it.

With a shift of the magnitude we are living through, we cannot stay the same and nor can the lives we live. THE OPPORTUNITY IS TO CREATE ANEW - on personal and societal levels.

I am here to support you to keep moving forward, to integrate, expand and grow in life.

To meet the curve balls, plot twists and honestly very shitty times with the same verve (or something like it) and awareness that you meet the joys, opportunities and expansions with.

My personal intention is to keep the parts of the past three years experience that add value to my life and business, bring back elements that still fit, while moving on from parts that don’t.

The question here - what CAN this world look like??

What can Your life look like? Where do You and The World intersect??
Why not take advantage of this time to make changes that you choose - while you can.

[ Why do we even wait for a certain time?? What on earth are we really waiting for? ]

Hint: its you. You are probably simply waiting for you.
And the more the ‘bits of you’ are aligned, available and falling into some semblance of place, the more you will real-ise that You are Here, and Now is the time.

I know, that sounds like all the cheesy bumper stickers and new age bullshit you ever heard. The weird part however is that as you start to live more and more from your own centre - your desires, owining your actions and choices, the more life just ends up feeling like that. Here. Now. You.

And the rhythm of your life can flow into a kind of infinite unfolding and discovery of You

This is wow. This is delight. This is Life/Aliveness showing up through you.

(radical idea - what if there is no fixed you to master, and no perfect life to complete - and everything to explore)

Conversely, the more disconnected we are from our own personal desires, goals and experiences, the more pain, suffering, overwhelm, fear and disillusionment we are likely to encounter.

No, I’m not promising rainbows and unicorns or that money will fall from the sky and you will never feel pain or suffering again - these still seem to be very real parts of human life on Earth. But suffering in the moment is one thing, suffering on top of our own inner existential pain - that is what we might call hell. Pain is one thing and great information in the moment, but on top of a lifetime of unprocessed stacked pain. No one wants to live like that really, and I wouldn’t wish it on anybody.

If you desire a different experience of yourself, or in any arena of your life, you are going to have to do something differently. Get off the repeat. Release yourself from the patterns. Walk right past who you think you are.

I currently offer a mix of online and in person services, with exactly that in mind - to help you get out of your mind, dump an outdated pattern/thought/ behaviour that you are over or 20.

To help you tap into your own inner resources, while you support your nervous system ( if it’s not on board, change simply wont stick) and uncover more natural ways of being and breathing with the body that you have ( if you aren’t in your body, where are you and what can you do? ).

For a more ‘body’ angle, and to support you in being in your body I offer twice weekly Embodied Movement classes, stemming from my 20 years as a yoga teacher and few more as a practitioner, these sessions are soft and deep to leave you feeling light and relaxed, and more connected to you.

For deep change in your life, support through change and trauma integration, Rebirthing Breathwork is my primary modality. We get right to the core to uproot out-moded programming in your body, mind and breath right where they began. This work is profound.

One-on-One Breathwork is available year round [ find out more HERE ], and group Intro Workshops happen roughly monthly [ find out more HERE ].