your money or your breath | are you on the money?

Breathing and money, what’s the connection?


Which is to say, by liberating your breath, you can liberate yourself from unconscious and self limiting money-abundance beliefs and patterns.

And if you shift yoru mindset or reset yoru budget but DONT reset yoru breath…. you can look forward to a likely return to your unconscious patterns. NOt sticking to the budget. Avoiding doing the figures. Letting every dollar trickle throgh yoru fingers…again. Despite your your new fangled best intentions.

How does your way of breathing have anything to do with your relationship to money, finances and abundance??

Here is a question for you:

Have you got enough money?


- feel what happens in your body and mind while you read that question - the more gently honest and curious you allow yourself to be, the more you are to likely notice

- notice what you do with your breath, without trying to do anything, be present to what happens within you, reflect on what happened.

There is no right or wrong answer, it is information. Information that can be very surprising, revealing and sometimes a very solid reality check when we think we think one way, and realise we are holding a different thought or feeling in our body.

If that question didn't give you a discernable response, try another question or statement that you often tell yourself around money, and see how it FEELS.
Notice how your breathing might shift, how you might feel expanded or tight and restricted in body or breath.

Noticing a hold, a gasp, or some other shift in your breath gives you an idea of your embodied beliefs around money.

[ If it's not feeling great, give yourself a few natural relaxing breaths right now to help shift what is coming up. ]

My Breathwork Mentor Georgia taught me a couple of particular things about money :
- it's never about the money (think about it, for most of us it's really about choices), and
- money is the last hiding place of the ego.

Money, just like our breath is something that triggers our survival instincts. We need to breathe, and most of us have a very real need for some kind of money to meet our basic needs. Consciously or unconsciously (driven by those old beliefs) we are choosing where and how we use our money.

When it comes to money the ideas and beliefs that we carry go back to our familial and even ancestral money stories, things like:
money doesn't grow on trees - there's never enough money - it's time to tighten our belts - when we win the lotto - after I pay this bill - money is the root of all evil - money is power well as positive modelling we may have been shown around healthy finances, saving, money management and the like. You can keep that!

What does it have to do with breathing again?

The patterns and beliefs we have around money (or any other issue) show up in pattern of our breathing.
It's a reflection and playing out of the inner patterns, money stories and beliefs we have.

That also means that when we use the right breathing technique (the Connected Rebirthing Breath that helps us find our natural breath flow) we can unravel and release patterns showing up on our breath, and change our life experience - even around so called mundane things like money.

Here's a few other explorations for you:
Do you hold your breath when you get a bill?
Do you feel excited when you get to pay someone money?
Do you put off paying bills, or get onto it straight??

Whether we are talking money, breath,'s all about flow and ease of exchange - not bound by fear, over grasping or anything in between.

Get in touch if you would like to breathe a new money story into your life!